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Dynamo6 ready to help public sector agencies digitally advance

Hamilton technology service company, Dynamo6 has been approved on the Marketplace as of January 2021.

They have discovered firsthand the New Zealand government digital Marketplace is a useful tool that benefits both public sector agencies and digital providers.

Launched in 2018, the Department of Internal Affairs (DIA) established the NZ government digital Marketplace to act as a middleman between service providers and government agencies.

Designed to make the acquisition process smoother, government agencies now have an easier way to access technological advancements through a provider of their choice.

Dynamo6 Founder and Executive Director Igor Matich says, “The aim is to make technology work for you, not the other way around.

It’s great to have the Marketplace ensuring government organisations don’t miss out on advancements that will allow them to perform their jobs to the highest standard, with the help of new streamlined tech.

Dynamo6 can now help support that with approved cloud transition and digital experience services.” Approval to provide digital experience services on the Marketplace means going through a rigorous application process.

Dynamo6 were examined on eight aspects of digital experience, with examples and case study submitted under each category.

Analysing each area of expertise is designed to separate the approved government standard providers from the rest.

Government organisations can benefit from Dynamo6’s expertise in project management services, change management services, native application development, visual design, and user experience.

Dynamo6 is also signed off on back-end development and application testing.

“This is an excellent opportunity for the public sector to digitally advance. Often there are stricter criteria for these organisations and technology advancements.

Unfortunately, this can be a barrier to upgrading their digital processes and services,” says Matich.

The NZ government Marketplace is an excellent tool to allow collaboration between providers and organisations who often have a dire need for upgrades to websites, apps, information systems, and digital processes.

Digital experience is the second service that the Dynamo6 provides on the DIA Marketplace.

In August of 2020, they were approved to become an official Cloud Transition Services Provider.

The DIA Marketplace ensures peace of mind for government agencies who know they will only do business with the best of the best and allows an opportunity for approved vendors to collaborate with new public sector companies.

Further information on Dynamo6’s digital experience can be found at

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