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Cycling innovation from the heart of the Waikato

Cycling innovation from the heart of the Waikato

Velogicfit was launched at the Interbike cycling show in Los Vegas in 2015 – a world away from the quiet charm of the company’s headquarters in the heart of Cambridge.

Producing software systems that help cycle retailers size and fit bikes to their customers, Velogicfit systems are fast gathering pace amongst specialist and enthusiasts across the world.

“It’s more than about just saddle height and where to position the handlebars,” said managing director Nicky Bowden, pictured with husband David.

“A poor-fitting bike can put pressure on joints like the knees and ankles.”

In the high-performance field, the detailed specification of the bike is crucial, not just for comfort and energy efficiency but for a range of factors that affect both rider and machine.

Velogicfit bike fit and sizing systems are designed for use by cycle retailers, providing data on a number of key measurements, as well as taking into account the rider’s needs and goals. Armed with this information, the retailer can make recommendations on all aspects of the cycle’s measurements and dimensions, enabling the store to genuinely enhance the advice they give their customers.

A carefully fitted bike can improve rider safety, such as through stability when cornering, better aerodynamics and basic comfort.

“Sometimes a small element of discomfort can be harmful over time, particularly for frequent cyclists,” Nicky said.

“But even for recreational cyclists, any discomfort will create a negative experience either for that bike brand or the store, so Velogicfit can really help the retailer with the long-term customer relationship.”

The Velogicfit team, made up of a combination of developers and bike experts, designed and built the software packages from scratch, and specialist bike retailers are already appreciating their astounding levels of accuracy.

The team loads precise details and supporting information on every new frame available into a database that now holds information on more than 23,000 frames.

“We understand that is the most comprehensive database of its kind in the world,” Nicky said.

Velogicfit software packages are already in use in 24 countries and the company can now look at recouping the cost of development and focus investment in continuous updates and improvements.

“Software is always evolving and we are already at well over 40 updates since launch,” Nicky said.

In addition to the bike fit software systems the company started with, Velogicfit recently launched ‘Right Bike’, an interactive touchscreen stand that can be positioned in any store.

Customers simply position themselves in front of the stand and, using a high-tech 3D camera, the system takes the measurements it needs. The customer then answers a series of questions about their cycling objectives and behaviours, and the system automatically filters through the database to shortlist recommendations.

The company’s long-term goal is to see Velogicfit systems in every bike store, particularly in those with a high-performance focus.

The move to Cambridge from Auckland was obvious for Nicky and husband David 10 years ago, and they moved the business into their Victoria St premises in July 2018.

The location is ideal, with visiting delegations or potential clients finding plenty to do in the region, but the team is already frequently travelling across the world to promote and build the Velogicfit brand.

“We’ve long been committed cyclists and were drawn here by the appeal of safer country roads,” Nicky said.

“Now, the ‘grown up’ responsibility of a lease and staff is a big step, but you have to push yourself otherwise you sit in a comfortable place and you won’t grow.”

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