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Three quick tips for navigating alert level 3

Hauraki District

With parts of the Waikato now having moved to alert level 3 at midnight, it seemed appropriate that we share with you three short things that we feel are important and are worthy of focus at a time like this and beyond:

1. He Tangata, he Tangata, he Tangata – it is the people, it is the people, it is the people!

Right now, it is more than likely that, along with your team, you will have a wide range of feelings and emotions to contend with. Taking the time to focus on your mental well-being and that of your team is important. In many cases, it is just like the emergency briefing that you get on an aircraft before takeoff; before you go to help someone with their oxygen mask, make sure that yours is fitted and working. So whether you are looking for help with your team or yourself, there are resources available to help.

2. It’s 81 days until Christmas!

While you could be excused for thinking that this is an attempt to get your blood pressure up even further, the message we are trying to get across here is should our COVID alert level sit at 3 or 4 until Christmas, what changes do you need to make so that you can continue to trade in such a difficult environment? Putting some thought into Continuity and Contingency Planning can help in multiple ways, and again there are easy to follow steps to help get you started.

3. Revenue is vanity, profit is sanity, but cash is king!

Those in business have been formally talking about the importance of Cashflow for a very long time, so we would like to point out that if you don’t currently understand your cashflow position, now is absolutely the time to get sorted! There are many tools to help you, alongside a conversation with your accountant.


It is easy to get overwhelmed by current events, and by the time it is finally all over, there will be very few of us indeed who won’t be affected in some way by recent events. The important thing is to take action even if it is just three things while you are in level three, and lastly remember:

He waka eke noa – We’re all in this boat together, reach out and get in touch if we can help

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